Bravo Board
Tell us how you used your poem to express your passion. How did it make a difference? Write your own poem, if you wish. Then, give a Bravo to the comments you like best, and encourage others to do the same for you.
Tell us how you used your poem to express your passion. How did it make a difference? Write your own poem, if you wish. Then, give a Bravo to the comments you like best, and encourage others to do the same for you.
It gave the best words to describe my girlfriend.
Victor McCain
It got me liad all night long
Michael Griffin
Beautiful enjoyable the poem was amazing it helped me a lot
Erika M.
Wow the poems are just beautiful!
I loved my poem because it was really beautiful
the poem was pretty good to be honest
Void Wolf
Amazing. Stirred up my creative flow
Nmber14 Forteen
Very wonderful and amazing I miss itnwb
Abby Gray
It was very easy and wonderfully appreciated
Abby Gray
This poem is for the very best girlfreind
Brody Knoll
It was great. Very insightful of this whole experience. God is good
Everett Neely
pretty much the same thing that I've said not sure if you have reviewed it yet. I'm just going to leave it at that.:(
Morgan Price
It’s good
Sage Manwaring
My poem was inspiring
James Ellwood
It has worked out Good!!!! I just hope it can be free so you don't have to constantly pay for it. It is a little bit irritating,frustrating,overwhelming and annoyed. I think it would be better if it could just be free! TY for considering.:)
Morgan Price