Bravo Board
Tell us how you used your poem to express your passion. How did it make a difference? Write your own poem, if you wish. Then, give a Bravo to the comments you like best, and encourage others to do the same for you.
Tell us how you used your poem to express your passion. How did it make a difference? Write your own poem, if you wish. Then, give a Bravo to the comments you like best, and encourage others to do the same for you.
It was great. My wife enjoyed it
Carlos Garcia
Thanks love it dj4jekebrvj
Mark Dailey
it was really really really interesting thank you soooooo much!!!!
Isabella grace Ib...
nice it is an amazing child poem friendly thank you for showing me this on the interndet
Isabella grace Ib...
Ehh I didn’t like it’s lack of details
Angelina Florence
Shared via Facebook
Mark Dailey
this is a poem to help to help heal some good friend
Karen Mcginn
My previous poem was used to create 1 poem for a friend who passed away
Karen Mcginn
Awesome job. Conveyed my feelings very much
Aliscia Scheinrock
It was perfect thank you
Roberta Rodriguez
He loved it and couldn't believe I was so thoughtful
Lisa Thompson
Loved all the poems I have gotten
Dallas Hall
I truly loved the poem I have received ❤️
Dallas Hall
It was received good
Katherine Herglund
It went well at least I think
Katherine Herglund